Hei alle traumeinteresserte kirurger. Vedlagt er en invitasjon til European Society for Vascular Surgery workshop som holdes i Trondheim 28-29 mai 2024. Dette er en workshop som kan passe godt for alle dere som kan komme i situasjoner der dere må håndtere karskader.

Vascular Surgery skills –Hands ON at The WET LAB

Workshop on alive anesthetized pigs in the Wet lab.
Learning and performing vascular procedures on pigs at the lab with experienced faculty. Hands on training with vascular anastomoses, patch plastics, embolectomy and suturing technique including full Carotid endarterectomy, Infrarenal aortic graft etc.  Learning and performing vascular incisions on pigs at the lab. Hands on training with vascular trauma and decision making.

Target audience
The course is designed for residents and young vascular surgeons who wants to improve their open vascular surgery skills.
Prior experience in basic surgical skills is expected.

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NKKF Wet Lab Workshop