Time: September 20-22, 2023 (Instructor training September 19 – 22nd)

Location: Karolinska University Hospital, Stockholm, Sweden

Design of the course

The course is based on the advanced simulation model (www.macsim.se). The whole chain of response
to Major Incidents such as Mass-Casualty Incidents is trained simultaneously: Scene, transport, hospitals, coordination & command. Training Triage and individual patient-management with participation of collaborating agencies like rescue service, police and protection agencies. The course is totally interactive, starting with one day of preparative training in groups, followed by two full days of simulation exercises with all participants active in their normal positions and with careful evaluation and analysis of the result of the response. The course has special focus on physical trauma after terrorist attacks & military conflicts.

This requires a distribution of participants in accordance with the roles during the simulation exercise.
In the standardized application form, the applicant has to indicate his/her preference and competence for the different roles and this may be used in the composition of participants.

Instructor training

Instructor training is offered for a limited number of participants who previously have passed a basic course and/or have specific qualifications meriting for instructor training.

MRMI Karolinska 2023