Nasjonal kompetansetjeneste for prehospital akuttmedisin (NAKOS) inviterer alle med interesse for førstehjelp og prehospital traumebehandling til vår sesjon under ECTES 2022.

Sesjonen arrangeres søndag 24.04.22, kl. 14.00-15.30.

Vi har invitert svært dyktige foredragsholdere som vil presentere følgende temaer:

Video-instructed first aid for bystanders on injured patients
Training in First Aid for Learner Drivers – The Norwegian Model
The Prehospital use of Tourniqets
Cerebral oximetry in traumatic brain injury
Patient case: «Severe head injury at high scaffold – USAR»

Sesjonen ledes av overlege Per-Olav Berve, Luftambulanseavdelingen, Oslo universitetssykehus HF og avsluttes med paneldebatt og mulighet for å stille spørsmål til foreleserne.

Hjertelig velkommen til en spennende sesjon og til ECTES 2022!

Nasjonal kompetansetjeneste for traumatologi (NKT-Traume) inviterer til symposium under ECTES 2022.

Mandag den 25.4. fra 08:30–10:00.

Denne sesjonen tar for seg organisering av traumesystemer i de nordiske landene og Storbritannia. Hvert land presenteres med korte innledninger om hvordan traumebehandling er organisert.


Her er smakebiter fra programmet:

The Norwegian trauma system – Elements and process
Christine Gaarder (Oslo/NO)
Highlights from the recent revision of the national trauma plan
Torben Wisborg (Forsøl/NO)
The Swedish trauma system development – An update
Fredrik Linder (Uppsala/SE)
Does Finland need a trauma system?
Ari Leppäniemi (Helsinki/FI)
The national Danish trauma system – Benchmarking btw centers – Sufficient data despite short distances?
Jens Lauritsen (Odense/DK)
The London trauma system – Metropolitan challenges
Karim Brohi (London/GB)

Vel møtt til denne sesjonen!

The European Congress of Trauma and Emergency Surgery (ECTES) 2020 was to take place in Oslo, on April 26-28, and we had finalised a great programme for what was going to be the most multidisciplinary ECTES to date. Like similar congresses all over the world, the Corona virus outbreak sadly forced us to postpone the Oslo meeting to 2021. However, the pandemic resulted in ECTES 2021 being run as a successful virtual meeting that was well attended.

For 2022, ESTES is delighted to announce that we are again planning a complete physical congress and we hope to see you at the 21st ECTES from April 24-26, 2022 in Oslo, Norway.

ESTES is focusing on the critically ill and injured surgical patients, with ECTES as the arena bringing personnel groups together in a multidisciplinary environment to improve, optimise, inspire, recruit, and provide possibility for networking and learning from each other. Similar to previous editions of our congress, the ECTES will retain its international character in 2022 by hosting over 40 sessions with numerous speakers from all over the world. The ESTES is looking forward to offering a platform to experts in all areas of trauma and emergency surgery. We will host a number of guest symposia including several international scientific societies like IATSIC, DGU, ATLS, ATCN and AO Trauma.

We are lucky to work in a field that is both diverse and dynamic. Within the last decades, many different innovations and improved treatment strategies have been implemented for the benefit of our patients. Our five sections, Emergency Surgery, Disaster & Military Surgery, Skeletal Trauma and Sports Medicine, Visceral Trauma and Polytrauma, as well as the Permanent Education Committee are preparing an exciting and interdisciplinary programme.

Oslo is a city on the rise and a capital world-famous for peace politics, where people with diverse backgrounds exchange ideas and develop modern solutions. Oslo can present pioneering architecture and is surrounded by beautiful nature and sporting. We proudly welcome you to a metropolis so compact that international restaurants and great attractions are always just around the corner.

We are looking forward to a stimulating scientific and social event, and to welcoming you at ECTES 2022.

Christine Gaarder

Congress president ECTES 2022


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