I forbindelse med ECTES arrangeres det ulike kurs i forkant og etterkant av konferansen.
20 – 22. april arrangeres et internasjonalt ATLS Kurs.
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27 – 29. april arrangeres det MRMI kurs
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MRMI trauma & mass-casualty incidents
The course is based on the advanced simulation model (www.macsim.se) training the whole chain of response to Major Incidents such as Mass-Casualty Incidents: Scene, transport, hospitals, coordination & command, including also training in triage and individual patient-management and with participation of collaborating agencies like rescue service, police and protection agencies. It is totally interactive, starting with one day of preparative training in groups, followed by two full days of simulation exercises with all participants active in their normal positions and with careful evaluation and analysis of the result of the response. The course has special focus on physical trauma after terrorist attacks or military conflicts.
DSTC-kurs 27-29/4 2022
DSTC (Definitive Surgical Trauma Care) inngår som et post-kongress kurs etter ECTES (https://www.estes-congress.org/)
The DSTC (Definitive Surgical Trauma Care) course is designed to teach qualified surgeons in strategic thinking and decision making in the management of the severely injured patients and provide them with practical surgical skills to manage major organ injuries. It is an intensive 3 day course comprising lectures, interactive case discussions and practical surgical skills training with a faculty consisting of national and international experienced trauma surgeons.
For mer informasjon og søknadsskjema gå til www.dstc.no