Following on from the highly successful first series of ESTES webinars, the second series will begin on Monday 11th January at 6pm CET.

The first webinar will focus on thoracic trauma and will feature Dr Raul Coimbra, Surgeon in Chief of the RUHS Medical Center, California, who recently co-edited ‘Thoracic Surgery for the Acute Care Surgeon’.  He will be joined by Pietro Bisagni, Chief of Surgery at ASST Lodi, the first Italian hospital involved with the pandemic in February 2020, who will share his experience of VATS in Covid19.

Further details can be found on the attached flyer.  Alternatively you can register for the webinar at:

The series will run through until Easter, leading up to the virtual ESTES week in April. More information can be found on the events section of the ESTES website.

Best wishes,

Jonathan Tilsed
ESTES Vice President

European Society for Trauma and Emergency Surgery (ESTES)
Franz-Käfer-Straße 8
3100 St. Pölten

phone: +43 660 433 95 78