The ATLS Europe Association (AEA) inviterer helsepersonell involvert i behandling av traumepasienter til å delta i den internasjonale undersøkelsen pelvic2bind survey som omhandler behandling av bekkenbrudd. Skann inn QR-koden nedenfor med din smarttelefon for å delta.

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Dear Colleagues,

The ATLS Europe Association (AEA) and its scientific board invites you to take part in this international survey investigating the initial treatment of pelvic fractures. As you are involved in the treatment of trauma patients, we kindly ask you to take part in this pelvic2bind survey.

Present international guidelines recommend the use of pelvic binders if trauma mechanism renders a pelvic fracture likely or in patients in hemorrhagic shock without other sources of bleeding. It is however still unclear what patients benefit from pelvic binders.

To elucidate the clinical practice and your personal experience with pelvic binders as well as regional infrastructure, we ask you to participate in this survey consisting of 23 questions (approx. 5 min). If not precisely known, please estimate.

The survey has been organized by the AEA and is distributed to all AEA member countries. The study is registered with the German Clinical Trials Register (ID DRKS00017683) and is approved of by the ethical committee of the regional medical board Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany (ID 2019-14372).

On behalf of the ATLS Europe Association, I cordially thank you for your participation.


Christoph Wölfl M.D./Ph.D.
Chair Scientific Board AEA